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Supporting your futures week 2023

23 October - 30 October 2023

Let's celebrate the achievements of Portsmouth's care-experienced young people

Supporting your futures week is a chance for young people to make friends and build connections in a safe space.

Personal advisors and social workers have organised a series of activities and events that recognise and celebrate the achievements of care-experienced young people in the city. It's also a chance to have fun and try something new.

From arts and crafts to football matches, these opportunities create a sense of belonging in their community and help foster new lifelong friendships.

Meet our incredible staff

It takes a team to support Portsmouth's care-experienced young people. That's why, we're showcasing some of our incredible staff who have helped organise this very special week.

Dan Sibley - Personal advisor

What inspired you to support children, young people and families?

When I started in children's social care, I began in an administrative role. While working in this team, I saw the work being done around me. I felt I could contribute in a positive way to young people's lives. I wanted to be a part of making a difference.

Why are weeks like this one important to recognise the achievements of care-experienced young people?

It is important to celebrate the achievements of our care-experienced young people. In some cases, they may not have many people in their lives to celebrate their achievements. Being able to recognise the positive changes that they are making is uplifting and really cements why I love this job.

What does 'supporting your futures' mean to you?

I love being a part of the 'supporting your futures' team. There is a great energy and team spirit where everyone pulls together to help support all of our young people. We are very good at sharing our own knowledge with each other in order to give the best support to our young people, which in turn, will help make this event a success.

Could you tell us about your involvement during the week?

I will be supporting the football event. I am a big football fan and I know how popular this sport is with our young people. It is exciting to part of this and to make sure everybody can take part and have fun.

Melissa White - Social worker

What inspired you to support children, young people and families?

I have worked for Portsmouth City Council in children's services for over nine years. I wanted to work with children and young people who have not been fortunate enough to have the best start in life. I am passionate about helping people build strong relationships, empowering them to make positive changes in their lives.

How important is it to celebrate the achievements of care-experienced young people?

Young people deserve the chance to celebrate their passions. We take pride in putting on events which gives them a chance to come together, do something fun and develop new skills. It is important for young people to step outside their comfort zone but in a supported way. This experience will add to their skill set of being able to manage themselves in a variety of situations.

What does supporting your futures mean to you?

The Supporting Your Future team is like no other - there are so many passionate people who go the extra mile for their young people. Supporting Your Future is about nurturing young people to reach their potential, empowering them to make positive choices and help them work towards a future they deserve.

Could you tell us about your involvement during the week?

I have been involved in the organisation and delivery of the Supporting Your Future week. Alongside several other staff members, I have helped to create an events timetable that provides a range of fun activities for everyone. We are super excited!  

Meet our young people

Supporting your futures week is designed to celebrate the achievements of our young people and amplify their voices. Meet Louis and Olivia who have shared what its like to be part of this week and their experience living in Portsmouth.

Meet Louis

What does 'supporting your futures week' mean to you?

It means I can see other young people who are in a similar position to me and be able to talk with them. It's also a chance to become friends too.

How important is it for the voices of young people to be heard and listened to?

It is very important for us to be heard as it may cause problems if we don’t get the support we need. We can get frustrated - so we need to be listened to.

Meet Olivia

What's your proudest achievement this year?

I was going to be homeless but managed to secure housing this year.

What would you like to gain from the week?

I hope to gain new friends and feel more confident when talking to people

How important is it to have a safe space for young people?

It’s very important to have a safe space where you feel comfortable otherwise if we don’t have that then it can make situations a lot worse.

Feel inspired?

If you are looking for your next opportunity in children's social care, support our young people and apply to join Portsmouth City Council today!

Supporting BECOME and #CareLeaversWeek2023

This year, BECOME are calling on the public, professionals, carers, decision-makers and the media to CARE:

  • Celebrate care experienced young people
  • Amplify their voice
  • Raise awareness of challenges
  • Encourage change in policy and practice

Together, everyone can play a role in supporting care-experienced young people in their communities. Show us how you CARE on social media. Use #NCLW23 and @StrongerFuturesPortsmouth.

Featured articles - Your futures week