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(Left to right) Liam Mills and Clare Poyner,

Portsmouth's social work heroes celebrated at industry event

Callum Murphy

Senior Campaign and Events Officer
Webinars and events

Webinars and events

03 November 2021

The city's social work heroes took centre stage at an industry event on Thursday 23 September 2021 at the Ark Conference Centre in Basingstoke.

Social Work in the South returned with keynote speakers and employment opportunities for qualified individuals. Portsmouth City Council exhibited at the event, showcasing our workforce and the restorative approach we take to support children, families and young people in the city.

With social workers being the unsung heroes of the pandemic, the important role they play in society should not be underestimated. The profession provides a rewarding career for the right person, helping families when they need it most.

To showcase our efforts locally, Portsmouth City Council introduced attendees to Stronger Futures and the inspirational stories behind why social workers join the service.

Councillor Suzy Horton, Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Children, Families and Education at Portsmouth City Council said: "Social work is an immensely rewarding career and Portsmouth is a great place to practice. With many events starting up again, Social Work in the South is a chance for us to showcase what the city has to offer.

"Being able to celebrate our workforce under our Stronger Futures brand is a fantastic thing to do. Those who visited our stand at the event were able to speak with social workers who are employed by the service. They learnt about our innovative approaches to children's social care."

Social Work in the South returned as an in-person event for the first time in almost two years due to COVID-19. Those who attended the event enjoyed informative lectures, drop in CV and job application sessions as well as one-to-one conversations with colleagues from across the region.

Delegates learnt about our mural

Delegates learnt about our mural painted by My Dog Sighs and Fark on World Social Work Day 2020

Attendees who visited Portsmouth City Council's stand found out about our efforts to celebrate our workforce including activities on World Social Work Day 2020 at the Charles Dickens Centre. This activity invited community groups and centre users to tell us what social work means to them. Street artists, My Dogs Sighs and Fark listened to their feedback and created a 360-degree mural based upon it.

Sarah Daly, deputy director for children and families said: "As restrictions have eased, it's fantastic to see events like Social Work in the South return. It gives us an opportunity to meet other social workers and tell Portsmouth's story.

"We felt it was important to use this as a chance to showcase what our workforce can do as well as celebrate their achievements."

With insightful and inspirational speakers throughout the day, those who attended enjoyed a tailored programme designed to offer something for all practitioners at all stages of their career. The event sparked conversations between peers and colleagues about the methodologies and practices in social work across the south.

The event was organised by Hampshire County Council and took place at the Ark Conference Centre in Basingstoke on Thursday 23 September 2021.

Watch the trailer from Social Work in the South 2021

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